Title: Productivity and New Work Organization. An assessment of the literature
Abstract: The paper presents a literature review on the characteristics of new forms of work organization, with respect
to traditional Taylor-Fordist organization, and their impact on productivity. The analysis is developed
primarily with reference to the world of manufacturing firms, focusing particularly on the roles established
by new organizational design, new work practices, new technologies (ICT), industrial relations and their
The new organizational configuration that effectively emerges from the literature is characterized by a set of
innovative bundles of work practices made up not only of different ‘ingredients’ but also of the different
weights of each ingredient. Hence, the employer and/or manager has two levers to pursue efficiency and
performance: ingredients and their indefinable combination.
The superior performance of this new work organization ‒ in line with lean production paradigm (sometime
called World Class Manufacturing - WCM) – is clearly acclaimed by a number of econometric studies
despite the fact that some methodological questions remain open, which unless resolved will not aid in
overcoming theresistance of sceptics, be they academics, practitioners, managers, trade union leaders or
policy makers.